Friday, October 19, 2007

Loo with a View

I love quirky, incongruous photos...the sort you just happen across and don't digitally enhance in any way, shape or form. This photo was taken by me in Sydney last month, as I waited for the ferry : ) I have created a Flickr account also and posted this photo there as well

Sunday, October 14, 2007

New Technology Blog

Hmmm we are meant to post a blog on some aspect of new technology that appeals to us.....well I couldn't help but smile when I read about the grand old man of music, Neil Young's huge interest in electric vehicles.

He is making a documentary called "Linc-Volt", which is about re surrecting and re-powering the cars that made up the American dream old Lincolns, Cadillacs, Buicks etc will all have a new lease of life, as electric vehicles.

Neil says..."there is a challenge to figure out how to retain all those things and be clean". One of his cars is a two tonne Lincoln which is being converted right now...that is a great deal of weight for an electric motor. It is a wonderful concept for the old and new to come together in this way. What a visionary!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Verity With Vetiver

Hello from Vetiver...

Just new to blogging and will probably let loose some primal, inner urban, 21st century well as some "Gee, its great its Spring now.... the washing might dry on the line for a change" kind of domestic ramblings and furthermore there could be some hope that.......

1. The evasive boyfriend might commit, now that the sun is shining.
2. I will tackel that renovation...after um er...years
3.My friends will get more of a chance to say something/get a word in more regularly
4. I will stop wishing I was back in Zurich
5. If I take it out...I will place it back where it came from again...straightaway
6. The Boswell Sisters are fabulous and I will keep playing them in the car and singing along, no matter what anybody says!
7. Buying a samovar on the weekend WAS a GOOD idea...(even if my kitchen sink has stopped working)
8. Re 1. might be time to find a new, more able to commit kind of boyfriend now that the sun is shining : ) !